Trajectory Across Life Stages
Life is a journey where each stage of life impacts the other and different life experiences bring us closer or further away from our “good life.” In the LifeCourse framework, we use the term “life trajectory” to describe the path your journey takes. It helps a person to think about what has helped or hindered you in the past and what might work or may get in your way moving forward. The higher your expectations, the more opportunities and experiences you will have, and the closer you will get to achieving your goals and dreams. Every life stage is connected, and what happens in each, affects all the stages to come. The life experiences in each stage build upon one another and prepare a person for the future life stages.
Watch this video to learn about the importance of having hope, expectations, and a vision across the life stages.

From conception through the earliest years of life or babyhood.

Early Childhood
The time in a child’s life before they begin school full time.

School Age
The years from kindergarten through middle school.

Transition to Adulthood
Moving from childhood to young adulthood and from school to adult life.

Period of time after we transition from school years through the time we begin entering our golden years.

The golden years are when we begin to slow down and experience many age-related changes.

Experiences and Questions Booklet
A Guide for Individuals, Families, and Professionals
Throughout our lives, we face questions and search for answers that will help us on our journey to a full and meaningful life. This is true for everyone, especially when you or someone you care about experiences a disability or special health care need.
The LifeCourse Experiences and Questions booklet helps you realize that even when your child is very young, and wherever you are on the journey as he or she ages and grows into adulthood, their life experiences and environment can shape how they will live life in the future.
Quick Guides in the Life Experience Series
Each 4-page guide contains a few questions from each of the life domains for that specific life stage. They can be used by individuals, family members, caregivers, and other supporters to think about questions to ask, options to consider, and things to discuss as they work to positively shape the future and move toward a vision for a good life.

Focus on Early Childhood
Early childhood is the time in a child’s life before they begin school full time.
You may think it’s too soon to be thinking about your young child’s future, but before you know it, they will be in school and then becoming an adult! You will want to give your child the best possible start to prepare them for the next stages of life, and help them reach their vision for an inclusive, productive, full “good life” in the future.
A Quick Guide in the Life Experience Series

Focus on School Age
School age is the years from kindergarten through middle school.
Now that your child is school age, he or she will likely spend a lot of time with people other than their parents or family. During this life stage, your child is growing and changing rapidly, and they need many opportunities to have life experiences that will help them learn and excel at home, at school, and in the community, as they move toward becoming a young adult.
A Quick Guide in the Life Experience Series

Focus on Transition to Adulthood
Transition means that you are moving from childhood to young adulthood and from school to adult life.
There are many things to think about and do to prepare for this change. Transition is a point in a time filled with change, growth, excitement, and sometimes fear and confusion. It is helpful to explore life experiences to have and questions to ask during this transformative life stage.
A Quick Guide in the Life Experience Series

Focus on Adulthood
Adulthood is the period from the time after we transition from school and childhood years through the time when we enter our golden years.
For most of us, adulthood is the longest stage of life. Even though the school years have ended, you can continue to learn and grow throughout your adult life.
A Quick Guide in the Life Experience Series

Focus on Aging
Aging is the period of life when we begin to slow down and experience many age-related changes.
As we age, our lives can change a lot. If we worked our entire adult life, retirement can be both welcome and scary. Our friends and family we lean on may not be around anymore or be able to be a part of our lives as they once were. Experiences and choices you make can help make the golden years more enjoyable and productive.
A Quick Guide in the Life Experience Series