Exploring the Life Domains

Daily Life and Employment

What a person does as part of everyday life–school, employment, volunteering, communication, routines, life skills.

Focus on Employment

Using the Integrated Supports Star to Plan

An Employment Example

Employment is an important part of adult identity. Work is an opportunity to earn money, but also to build friendships, learn new things, and achieve a sense of accomplishment, competence, and pride! It gives people something to do with their time, adds structure to their day, builds social networks, and helps attain a sense of purpose. Having the right job can greatly increase satisfaction with and quality of life.

Watch this video to learn how to use the Integrated Supports Star for planning and setting goals for employment.


Getting Started

Getting a job or career doesn’t just happen – it takes some planning. These LifeCourse tools will help have the conversations, explore the vision, and plan the life experiences and supports to make it happen.

Integrated Support Star for Employment

The Integrated Supports Star for employment helps you think about the different supports that can help you reach your employment goals.

Trajectory for Exploring Employment

Use this Exploring Employment trajectory to figure out if you want to work and what kind of career or job you might want to have.

Trajectory for Planning Employment

The Planning Employment Trajectory will help plan specific employment goals and steps to take to get your desired job or career.

Employment Guide

This interactive booklet includes activities and resources to help adults and transition age youth begin to think about jobs, careers, or continuing education.

Employment Portfolios

The Charting the LifeCoure Portfolio is designed as a booklet printed on 11×17 paper. It includes the CtLC Trajectory tool on the inside and the Integrated Supports Star on the back. It provides a cover sheet with information about the person.

For more information about One Page Profiles click here

Portfolio for Exploring Employment

Need help figuring out if you want to work or what kind of job or career you want? This Portfolio helps consider things to try and what supports will be needed. It can be completed by the job seeker with help from a family member or professional.

Portfolio for Planning Employment

People who have already thought about or have a pretty good idea of what kind of job they want, or would like to change jobs, should use this tool. It will help plan specific goals, list steps to take, and consider needed supports.

Portfolio for Family Perspective on Employment

Families can use this portfolio to organize and express their own vision and opinions on employment outcomes for their family member as well as support they might need to reach their employment goals.

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