Exploring the Life Domains


Charting the LifeCourse thinking and tools can be used for coping, problem-solving and planning during challenging times.

Charting the LifeCourse for Respite During COVID-19

Webinar presented by Jane St. John in Collaboration with ARCH National Respite Network

This webinar explored how to use the LifeCourse Tools for Respite during the coronavirus pandemic to help providers offer respite safely, and to guide family caregivers in using respite safely. We also demonstrated how to use the tools to help develop strategies for family caregivers and care recipients to cope with the pandemic. Examples were presented on how the tools can be used to help family caregivers find balance as a caregiver, and help both caregivers and care receivers find alternative respite options and ways to socially distance and still live the good life!

Download the Presentation Slides

Organization Supporting Staff During Work at Home

Moving from face-to-face interaction with individuals and their families to remote/telehealth working can be difficult, for both families and staff supporting them. In this video, Kim talks about how their organization utilized the LifeCourse Framework to help their staff cope and adapt during the challenging time of COVID-19.

Supporting Mental Health During COVID-19

Ensuring good mental health can be tough, especially when your world is turned upside down by something as drastic as a global pandemic. In this video, Amye talks about how she utilized the LifeCourse Framework, as well as some other really great tools, to help her and her daughter cope with life-changing events.

If you are struggling with your mental health, there are additional resources available to help you. Please visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for a list of resources near you.

Tools for Coping and Planning during COVID-19

COVID-19 drastically changed the way we do things. Coping during a global pandemic can be hard, especially if you haven’t planned well. In this video, Jane St. John talks about how when COVID hit, she picked up her LifeCourse tools and began planning for how her adult son, Ben would still have a good life, despite fear and worry.

Tools in Action | COVID-19

In these unprecedented times, it is important that everyone feels safe, secure, and empowered to live a healthy life.
Here are just a few examples of how these tools have been put into recent action by our community.

Individual, Family and Self-Advocate Examples


Check out this example from an Ambassador in New Hampshire, who used the Star to problem solve and prioritize all of her responsibilities as a family member and professional responding to the pandemic.

Coping with the Crisis

Ben’s mom created this trajectory to plan to support Ben during COVID19. Ben is typically very active and social in the community, but with physical distancing, his usual routine was upended. Using the trajectory, Ben and his family were able to think about a vision for what they wanted and didn’t want during COVID19, and used the area around the trajectory arrow to brainstorm strategies in the life domains.

Social Distancing

We love the way Heather Dane, a mother and Family Engagement Specialist with BDDS, used the Life Course approach to look at ways in which our children can continue living their “good life” during this time of social distancing. You can use the Life Course tools, such as this Integrated Supports worksheet, to chart the best course for your child and family right now, and in the future!

Planning for Alternative Caregiver

This Star was created by Ben’s parents in the event that they are not able to provide care because of COVID19 illness. It includes information in the 5 categories of the Star to help an alternate caregiver to be able to provide good support for Ben and help him continue to have a good life.

Understanding Health Care Team

Ben’s family used this tool to record important information that would be helpful if Ben were to require medical care, particularly if his parents were not readily available to share information. His various personal and paid supporters are listed as well as his legal decision-making status. The bottom of the document lists ways that Ben is best supported in understanding, communicating, and following up on medical care or instructions

Trajectory for Good Life During COVID

Derek, a self-advocate from South Dakota, and his mom Brenda created tools for dealing with some of the challenges of the COVID19 changes and restrictions. Derek’s trajectory explores what he wants and doesn’t want during COVID, and ways he can stay active, healthy, connected, informed and remotely involved with his usual activities.

Star for Resources and Supports

Derek’s Integrated Supports Star explores resources and supports for him to have what he needs and wants while living with social distancing and other impacts of COVID19, using the different sections of the Star. Derek’s star includes important people in his life, technology he uses, community settings and activities that are important to him, his own strengths and skills, and his eligibility supports.

Organizational Examples

Implementing Teleworking Plan

This Star was developed by Rachel White at the Maryland Department of Health to plan how to best implement a teleworking arrangement for the majority of their staff within a very short time frame due to COVID19. Previously no staff were permitted to telework so this was quite a shift. The Integrated Star was used to assist in coordinating all the necessary parts for the telework plan, considering all points on the star, not just technology. As the teleworking arrangement will likely last much longer than originally anticipated, the Integrated Star was shared with all the staff for their input in order to strengthen the plan and assure that all the points on the star are planned for and implemented.

Filling Our Three Buckets Star

Kim Buckman of County Connections in Missouri, created this Star to figure out how they could best support staff through the COVID19 shutdown and restrictions, and explore if they were filling their buckets. They looked at what integrated supports were being used and how they fill the staff’s 3 buckets.

Integrated Supports Strategies for Success

Staff at County Connections explored what they would want if they had a Support Coordinator. They then looked at experiences they could create to provide that level of support to the staff as they adjusted to COVID19 changes, such as working at home, and for providing good support to those they serve.

Organizing Ideas and Resources

Allegheny County DD professionals created this Star as a resource for individuals and families who need support in a different way because of COVID19 restrictions such as stay at home orders and physical distancing. It is organized with lots of ideas organized in the sections of the Star, and with actual links to resources on the right in the colors of the Star.

The 'Good Life' During Physical Distancing

Massachusetts Family Support professionals created this Star to provide and organize ideas for families to continue to have good lives during COVID19 Physical Distancing requirements.

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