Celebrate the Movement!
Our community is constantly expanding and it’s time to come together and celebrate our impact.
Join us May 2-4, 2023 for the 7th Annual Charting the LifeCourse Showcase in Kansas City, MO. Contribute to the energy from fellow advocates, family leaders, professionals and other stakeholders who have joined us on the journey of learning, sharing and networking around the Charting the LifeCourse Framework and Tools.
We can’t wait to welcome our change agents to celebrate successes and imagine what could be next, as we continue to support all people to live their good life.
See you in Kansas City!
The CtLC Showcase is the annual event hosted by the LifeCourse Nexus – a national training and technical assistance center – which is housed at the UMKC-Institute for Human Development.

Ready for the Showcase?
Showcase 2023 Booklet
Be Showcase ready with the 2023 Booklet. Inside you’ll find highlights, your detailed 2023 agenda, track descriptions, Showcase map, and more.
ChimeGo - 2023 Showcase App
Showcase 2023 will be using the ChimeGo App platform (generously sponsored by Aetna) to help you in feeling welcome and engaged. Click below to create your account.
Pre-Showcase Intensives
Enhance your experience by adding on one or both of the Pre-Showcase Intensives to your registration. Some prerequisites are required so please check for eligibility.
Questions About the Showcase?
We look forward to welcoming you to the 2023 Showcase. Should you have any questions or need anything before we see you in KC, please feel free to reach out to us.
Showcase 2023 Agenda
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Pre-Showcase Intensives (Additional Fee Required) • LifeCourse Skill Building Live • LifeCourse Facilitator Intensive |
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm | Ambassador-Only Reception |
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
8:30 am - 10:15 am | Breakfast & Keynote |
10:15 am - 10:30 am | Break |
10:30 am - 11:45 am | Breakouts by Grouping • Education & Transition • TITLE: Plan and Prepare for Adulthood in Educational Settings PRESENTERS: Anna Montaldo and Jenna Allen, OCALI DESCRIPTION: Education and school experiences should prepare children and youth for a good life in adulthood. During this session, hear how Charting the LifeCourse was used by an early transition planning project to help elementary students and their families engage in future planning and how a young adult with lived experience used CtLC to plan and direct her high school experience according to her desired career path. • LTSS Case Management/SC • TITLE: Core Competencies and Capacity Building for Person-Centered Planning PRESENTERS: Kate Brady, HSRI, Marnie Mountjoy, KY DAIL (NCAPPS), Kayla Trzpuc & Sandi Erber, ND AASD, Meghan LaMarche, LifeCourse Nexus DESCRIPTION: Ever wonder how to connect person-centered planning with Charting the LifeCourse framework and tools? In this session, attendees will learn how the principles of CtLC align with the five competency domains for person-centered planning (developed by the National Center for Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems, or NCAPPS). Learn how competencies and capacity building strategies were co-developed for staff at all levels of human service organizations. • Organizational Alignment • TITLE: Aligning Practices with Values: Going “All In” with Charting the LifeCourse PRESENTER: Rachel Milano-Davis, Jennifer Smith, Patrick Snyder, & Sharmen Clark, Values into Action, Syard Evans, Arkansas Support Network DESCRIPTION: Ever wonder how to foster lasting and meaningful change in the culture of your organization? This session will feature two organizations who have gone “all in” with Charting the LifeCourse, and highlight how they have taken specific actions to ensure alignment between their values and their practices. Learn how each organization is using the specific principle and tools of CtlC to elevate choice, decision making, and control in person-centered planning and service delivery, and about their accomplishments (and lessons learned) in supporting full organizational adoption of Charting the LifeCourse. • Systems Change/Cross-Systems Collaboration • TITLE: Supporting Families across Multiple Systems PRESENTERS: Lyndsay Havey, OH DOE , Corey Ferguson, OH DODD, Celia Schloemer, University of Cincinnati University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and Kimberly Matthews, DODD DESCRIPTION: Navigating and coordinating supports from multiple service systems can be a real challenge for families. Learn how state departments and organizations in Ohio use Charting the LifeCourse to collaborate in the interest of providing holistic and collective supports for families who receive services across multiple systems. • Engaging Families • TITLE: Supporting All Families and All Family Members PRESENTERS: Francine Hogan, Diana Morris Smaglik, Geysa Rodriguez & Gabriel Skaglik, Vision for Equality (PA Family Network) DESCRIPTION: A family and each of its individual members are connected and often “intersect” in their goals and vision, all grounded in their definition of family and family roles. Hear how PA Family Network has incorporated advisors with diverse lived experiences and cultural backgrounds, and how they used the concept of the “all” to ensure their services leave no one behind as they use “mentoring teams” (a family member & self-advocate) to identify and include everyone’s unique roles in supporting a good life for the whole family. • Enhancing Individual Skills • TITLE: Charting the Course to Healthy Living PRESENTERS: Stephanie McDowell, Paraquad and Jane St John, LifeCourse Nexus DESCRIPTION: Though health can’t be the only focus, it is an important domain of a good life. Join this session to hear how Charting the LifeCourse is being used specific to planning and decision-making for overall health, health-care, and sexual health. Hear from the Nexus team about a toolkit for healthcare transitions, and learn how an independent living service organization uses the Integrated Support Star for engaging youth with disabilities to explore concepts around sexual health. |
11:45 am - 1:00 pm | Lunch |
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm | Breakout by Grouping • Education & Transition • TITLE: Filling the Buckets: Transitioning to the Domains of Adult Life PRESENTERS: Temerra Blackwater, UT DSPD, Lisa Wade, Bryn Peterson, Saska Rajcevic, HSRI, Aimee langone, Lavinia Gripentrog DESCRIPTION: A holistic approach to transition planning across systems can help answer the question “what happens when the school bus stops coming?” Learn how an interdisciplinary, cross-agency workgroup came together, and adopted CtLC as a shared philosophy, language, and set of tools for the meaningful, collaborative engagement of transition age-youth, families, educators, case managers, and VR counselors to use for IEP planning. • LTSS Case Management/SC • TITLE: Using CtLC to Develop a Vision and Create a Plan PRESENTER: Christina Rappisi, Values into Action DESCRIPTION: The LifeCourse framework provides principles and tools to support individuals to communicate their vision and develop strategies for a life that reflects their aspirations. Hear from a person with lived experience and a support coordinator, as they share how the CtLC framework and tools have been used by one service organization to develop an Individual Support Plan. Presenters will highlight both practice level changes, as well as process considerations for supporting organizational adoption of the framework and tools. • Organizational Alignment • TITLE: Enhancing Self-Directed Services with Charting the LifeCourse PRESENTERS: Patricia Brennan, NJ DDD and Colleen McLaughlin, Boggs Center DESCRIPTION: Self-directing supports and services can expand opportunities for people to lead the lives they envision. In this session you will learn how New Jersey’s Division of Developmental Disabilities is embarking on transformative change using the CtLC framework. As the division seeks to maintain, enhance, and expand their self-directed service options, hear how the development of a new division and team committed to alignment with the LifeCourse principles is using the framework for stakeholder engagement and organizational planning. • Systems Change/Cross-Systems Collaboration • TITLE: Enhancing Employment Outcomes for the Person in Context of Family PRESENTERS: Candida Walton, PA ODP Dana Barone, PA OVR and Francine Hogan, Vision for Equality DESCRIPTION: Family plays a key role in supporting each individual member to achieve their employment goals. Learn how Pennsylvania’s Developmental Disabilities State System and the State Office of Vocational Rehabilitation are working together – and partnering with the PA Family Network - to support people, in the context of their families, to achieve competitive, integrated employment. The InVEST program is using CtLC as a common language and framework for supporting teams, including families and employment service providers, to facilitate improved employment outcomes. • Engaging Families • TITLE: Building Personal Networks PRESENTERS: Colette Cox, MO F2F, Amy Clawson, OH Family to Family and Marion Cosgrove-Rauch DESCRIPTION: It is beneficial for families to network and get engaged in their communities. However, some families who have children with disabilities don't have the tools to do so. This presentation will offer hands on strategies and tools to support families in developing their own circles of support. Learn the ways two family organizations use the Charting the LifeCourse framework and tools to help families connect with the community and build personal networks to enhance the good life for all their members. • Enhancing Individual Skills • TITLE: Supporting Self-Determination and Advocacy Skills PRESENTERS: Mollie Mattingly, Susan Parker & Kendyll King, Easter Seals Midwest and Kyla Mundwiller & David Forbes, LifeCourse Nexus DESCRIPTION: Learn about the development, implementation and impact of two different projects that are designed to build self-advocacy skills and increase self-determination through the lens of the CtLC framework and tools. The Self-Determination in Action project, led by self-advocates, uses the CtLC tools to teach self-determination and decision making to create positive impact in their own lives as well as the lives of others with disabilities. The COOL (Charting Our Own LifeCourse) group, is an interactive peer learning group that encourages hands-on learning, trying new things, using the CtLC tools and concepts in their life and work, and creating a professional development path. |
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm | Break |
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm | CtLC in Action |
3:45 pm - 4:00 pm | Break |
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm | Plenary: One Slide Challenge |
5:15 pm - 6:45 pm | Reception and Awards Ceremony |
Thursday, May 4, 2023
8:30 am - 10:00 am | Breakfast & Keynote TITLE: Moving Toward Justice: Charting the LifeCourse for Creating a Human-Centered Culture PRESENTER: Dr. Syard Evans, CEO, Arkansas Support Network DESCRIPTION: Human-centered organizations must be able to understand and impact the systems of oppression and marginalization that influence the lives of the people they support and the people they employ. Organizations and professionals must also be able to leverage power to empower those individuals meaningfully and effectively. The work of becoming a human-centered organization starts with intentionally influencing the culture of the organization in strategic ways. The Charting the LifeCourse framework and tools provide opportunities for support systems to empower the people they serve and move us all closer to a more just world. |
10:00 am - 10:15 am | Break |
10:30 am - 11:45 am | Breakouts by Grouping • Education & Transition • TITLE: Planning for Transition: Amplifying the Student Voice PRESENTERS: Theresa Warren & Kendra Roberts, Princeton City Schools DESCRIPTION: Planning for transition should always keep the vision, experiences, and values of the student at the forefront. Join this session to discover how Charting the LifeCourse is being used to support students and families as they develop individualized transition plans. Hear examples of how CtLC is used in the IEP process, as well as in developing lesson plans to guide students in using the framework and tools to lead their own IEP meetings. • LTSS Case Management/SC • TITLE: Meaningful Planning Processes in Life Transitions PRESENTERS: Jack Butler, Achieva, Anne-Marie Quealy, Allegheny County and Tammy Costlow DESCRIPTION: People need education and support at all life transitions, but especially those that include a transition between “systems” or services. This session will highlight how Charting the LifeCourse is being used in multiple states, for transitions across the lifespan. Hear how the framework and tools are being used to facilitate individual, holistic plans for transitions from school to adult services, and how it is being used to educate older adults, family members and nursing facility staff to plan better transitions. • Organizational Alignment • TITLE: Charting Your Organization’s Trajectory PRESENTERS: Heather Dailey & Ishya Dotson, Therap, Rebecca Auberry & Erin Porter, Connections Abilities Resources DESCRIPTION: Embracing and fully integrating LifeCourse in an organization is a journey. In this session, various approaches for successfully implementing CtLC into organizational culture at all levels will be highlighted – including practices to support people and families, supporting co-workers and teams, and enhancing organizational strategic planning and information dissemination. Hear how to get started, develop an organizational trajectory, build buy-in, support teams and measure success throughout the process. • Systems Change/Cross-Systems Collaboration • TITLE: Driving Systems Change with Data from Supporting Families PRESENTERS: Deanna Wall, UT Parent Center and Amanda Cothern-Webb, Liberty Health of OK DESCRIPTION: Good data is essential for making meaningful systems and policy change. Learn how two states are using Charting the LifeCourse to identify and bridge gaps for families on the wait list for state services. Hear how UT and OK are using different strategies, but both providing peer supports and personalized plans to achieve good lives. Learn how the CtLC life domains and other key principles have been used to collect and organize study data to drive systems change through policy and legislation. • Engaging Families • TITLE: Supporting Families: More than Moms PRESENTERS: Corey Ferguson, OH DODD (Father), Colette Canchola and Bekka Matthews, MO F2F (Sister) DESCRIPTION: Dads, siblings, grandparents, and many other family members play a vital role in the lives of their loved ones at all life stages, but their value and contributions are often overlooked. Join this session to learn how CtLC is being leveraged to engage and empower family members with various roles in the lives of children and adults with IDD and to help “fill their buckets”. Hear about strategies and initiatives that can be replicated to recognize the unique needs of the different family members, and to develop connections and networking opportunities. • Enhancing Individual Skills • TITLE: Enhancing Decision Making Support for Youth and Young Adults PRESENTERS: ICI/CYVYC, Jane St John, Life Course Nexus DESCRIPTION: Youth and young adults should have every opportunity to make decisions about their own life rather than having a substitute decision maker. The Center on Youth Voice Youth Choice (CYVYC) is a national resource center on alternatives to guardianship. Together with the Nexus team, they will share efforts to empower youth and their families to gather information about a range of decision- making supports and options, including supported decision-making. Highlighting the Charting the LifeCourse framework and specific CtLC decision-making tools, presenters will share strategies and action steps to maximize youth decision-making and self-determination. |
11:45 am - 12:30 pm | Closing |
12:30 pm | Grab and Go Lunch |