Register for Showcase 2022
Register now for the 6th Annual Charting the LifeCourse Showcase in Kansas City, MO, April 13-14, 2022.
This year, the LifeCourse Nexus will offer two ways to Re-Energize with us at the Showcase. A full, in-person conference experience in Kansas City, MO, at the Westin Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center and a virtual track, for those who would like to participate in a limited selection of interactive, virtual sessions.
In-Person Conference
This track provides access to the full Showcase experience, as well as in-person only events (including lunches, a breakfast, and a reception). Those who participate in the in-person event MAY choose to attend a virtual session, if it interests them. For our In-Person attendees, we have secured a discounted rate at the Westin Crown Center, where all Showcase events will take place. Book your room at the reduced rate via this link.
Virtual Track
This track offers participants access to a limited selection of conference activities through a virtual platform, the live streamed plenary, and breakout rooms. The virtual track is offered for those who cannot or do not feel comfortable attending in-person.
Registration for the Showcase closes on April 1, 2022.
For additional instructions about registration, payment methods, and changes/modifications, visit our FAQs page.
Registration for the Showcase is Now Closed

LifeCourse Innovation Areas

Self-Advocacy and Family Leadership


Employment and Meaningful Day

Person Centered Planning

Front Door to Supports

Direct Service Providers