The CtLC Virtual Showcase 2020
The FREE Virtual Showcase 2020 was a huge success thanks to all of our sponsors, presenters and participants.
All of the presentations have been organized into a Practice Area Strand and is available for continued viewing, sharing and engaging through our online library.
Build Capacity: LifeCourse Spotlights
Watch short 10-minute videos from our amazing breakout presenters highlighting specific “how-to’s” for utilizing LifeCourse for a particular practice or innovation.
Exchange Knowledge: Showcase LIVE
Practice Area Strand features a collection of expert panelists discussing the monthly theme and sharing their incites, practices and more.
Engage Collaboratively: Network with Others
The conversations never end. Visit the Showcase Strand pages and watch our focused content and engage/connect with the Charting the LifeCourse community.
Breakout Strands by Innovation Areas

June: Focus on LifeCourse Nexus
In June, we will celebrate the LifeCourse Nexus and share with you all of the great updates and changes we have been working on:
- Sheli Reynolds and Jane St. John will talk about the new and improved LifeCourse Nexus website and LifeCourse Library
- You will be the first to see all of the updated and improved tools• New Trajectories• New Stars• Fillable Tools
- All about Virtual Showcase and the awesome learning you can access
July: LifeCourse in Education
Explore how LifeCourse is being used in school settings, starting in early childhood through high school and beyond. Learn how teachers and other educational specialists are integrating into classroom curriculum and lesson plans, to facilitate transition planning, and enhancing school-wide initiatives.
This month’s content sponsored by Aetna.
August: Person Centered Outcomes
Learn how the LifeCourse framework and tools are being used to achieve person centered outcomes. Gather specific ideas and examples for having difficult conversations, developing person centered plans and goals, and tracking success in achieving the “good life”.
This month’s content sponsored by Therap.
September: Staff and Team Development
Discover how LifeCourse is being used by service providers and other organizations to enhance staff and leadership development. Hear how the framework and tools are being utilized for staff recruitment, training and team building, organizational decision making, service delivery and strategic thinking.
This month’s content sponsored by Quillo.
October: Transition to Adulthood
Celebrate Employment month as we focus on innovative practices for transitioning to adulthood and employment. Learn how to use LifeCourse for facilitating career discovery, successful transition to work and careers, enhancing family expectations and improving employment outcomes.
This month’s content sponsored by Station MD.
November: Engaging Families
Wrap up the Virtual Showcase with highlighting how self-advocates and families have used the framework and tools in their own lives. Hear examples of how LifeCourse was integrated into practices for providing information, peer support, referral and navigation, as well as for outreach and engagement.
This month’s content sponsored by Sonderbloom.
Our 2020 Innovation Award Winners
Every month we will be recognizing those that have Championed the principles of Charting the LifeCourse, both through innovation in their practice and by serving as a leader in the movement for transformative change.
— June —
Jane St. John
Charting the LifeCourse Nexus Protector of the Principles
LifeCourse Nexus
— July —
Kelley Flodder
Special Education Teacher
Sycamore Community Schools in Cincinnati, OH
Innovation in Education, Transition,
and Employment
— August —
Lisa S. Meyer
National Charting the LifeCourse Team, Coach/Facilitator
National Person Centered Thinking Trainer, Mentor
Innovation in Person Centered Planning
— September —
Kim Buckman
Director of Support Coordination
Macon County Commission for Developmentally Disabled Citizens
Innovation in Quality Supports and Services
— October —
Allison Cohen-Hall
Research Associate
Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at University of Massachusetts, Boston
Innovations in LifeCourse Research
— November —
Heather Pike
Administrative Director of the Oklahoma Family Network, Family to Family Health Information Center
Innovation in Self-Advocacy and
Family Support Networks
Our Sponsors
— Platinum Level —
— Silver Level —
— Blue Level —